Liberal Arts Minor: Capstone Presentations

NEC: Pierce Hall | Directions

241 St. Botolph St.
Boston, MA
United States

Come see the candidates for the Liberal Arts Minor present their Capstone projects. Refreshments provided.

Liberal Arts Minor Capstone Presentations 

Cody York
The Senator at Home

“The Senator at Home” takes an inside look at this lesser-seen side of American politics through a deep dive into the state office of New Hampshire’s Senior U.S Senator, Jeanne Shaheen, as told through my experiences as a summer intern. 

Eli Reisz
Should We Rebuild in a Future Fire-prone Landscape? Lessons from the Santa Monica Mountains in Southern California

A research study on the risks associated with rebuilding homes and other infrastructure in the Santa Monica Mountain range, one of California’s most urbanized fire corridors. Current and future climate conditions, in combination with damage from previous fires, allow for the analysis of the potential susceptibility of landscapes to future fires. This study examines the recovery of both ecosystems and human infrastructure through the lens of the 2018 Woolsey Fire 

Asher Boorstin
Methodology, Substance, and Race in the Supreme Court

A research project on the relationship between what the United States Supreme Court decides and how they decide it—specifically on how and why the issue of race has led to such drastic changes in the way that the Court considers its involvement in the American political system and in American life. 

Chloe Thum 
Reflections on Water

An EP dedicated to the various thoughts, sounds, senses, and stirred-up emotions in and caused by nature. Heavily influenced by Thoreau ’s writings and his time in nature, which often acted as an escape from his life in society, this short album connects the old with the new in various ways.