Recital: Dominic Vance '24, Jazz Drums

NEC: Pierce Hall | Directions

241 St. Botolph St.
Boston, MA
United States

NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Dominic Vance '24 studies Jazz Drums with Billy Hart and Jason Moran.

This is an in-person event with a private stream available to the NEC community here:


  1. Marco Frisina | Anima Christi

  2. Traditional Fife and Drum | Three Camps

  3. Scott Joplin | The Ragtime Dance

  4. Traditional Fife and Drum | Slow Scotch

  5. Dan Schutte | Here I Am, Lord

  6. Stanley Cowell | Sienna, Welcome My Darling

  7. Traditional Fife and Drum | Dawning of the Day

  8. Traditional Fife and Drum | New Tatter Jack

  9. Anonymous | Prayer

  10. Ernie Wilkins | Dizzy's Business

  11. Dominic Vance | Drum Solo

  12. William J. Maher | Soul of my Savior

  13. Lemuel Marc/Aidan Devine/Dominic Vance | Group Sound

  14. Robert Kreuz | Gift of Finest Wheat

  15. Koki Renwick | The High Life

  16. Jake Walters | Franconia Notch

    • Aislin Alancheril, soprano
    • Jordan Bell, alto saxophone
    • Shota Renwick, tenor saxophone
    • Isaac Dubow, Lemuel Marc, Koki Renwick, trumpet
    • Jake Walters, keyboards, vocals
    • George Maclaurin, piano
    • Aidan Devine, electric bass
    • Will Mabuza, Leo Weisskoff, bass