Recital: Sophia Daisy Chesler '22, Mezzo-Soprano

NEC: Brown Hall | Directions

290 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA
United States

NEC's students meet one-on-one each week with a faculty artist to perfect their craft. As each one leaves NEC to make their mark in the performance world, they present a full, professional recital that is free and open to the public. It's your first look at the artists of tomorrow.

Sophia Daisy Chesler '22 studies Voice with MaryAnn McCormick and is the recipient of a scholarship made possible by the Gladys Miller Voice Scholarship Fund.

This performance is open to in-person audiences, and can also be viewed via livestream.

View livestream from Brown Hall

  • Sophia Daisy Chesler '22, mezzo-soprano
  • Marie-Elise Boyer, piano
  • MaryAnn McCormick, studio teacher
  1. George Frideric Handel | “Va tacito e nascosto” from Giulio Cesare

  2. Johann Sebastian Bach | “Schafe können sicher weiden” from Cantata 208: Was mir behagt, ist nur die Jagd

  3. Johannes Brahms | Botschaft from Fünf Lieder

  4. Hugo Wolf | Ganymed from Goethe-Lieder

  5. Francis Poulenc | La courte paille, FP 178

    Le sommeil
    Quelle aventure!
    La reine de cœur
    Ba, be, bi, bo, bu
    Les anges musiciens
    Lune d’Avril

  6. Benjamin Britten | Johnny from Cabaret Songs

  7. Rebecca Clarke | Tiger, Tiger

  8. Michael Flanders & Donald Swann | A Word on My Ear

  9. Olivier Messiaen | O Sacrum Convivium!


    "For at that time malignity ceases
    And the devils themselves are at peace.

    For this time is perceptible to man
    By a remarkable stillness and serenity of soul.”

    Christopher Smart, Jubilate Agno


    Thank you to my parents and Grandma for bringing me up in a joyful world of love
    and constantly encouraging me to create, sing, paint, and animate to my heart’s content.


    Thank you to voice teacher, Maryann McCormick.
     for taking me into her studio and for always being there for me
    and for showing me a brighter world for opera.
    And my pianist, Marie-Elise Boyer for your amazing coaching and wonderful encouragement.


    And thank you to my amazing friends who are here, physically and virtually
    and keeping me company while I animate or paint.
     I am so grateful to have you all as a part of my life